Last Halloween, The (Short)

Starring Ron Basch, Emily Alatalo, Julian Richings
Directed by Marc Roussel
Some kids will literally walk through the fires of hell on Halloween night for that ultimate score – be it candy, or gifts…or something a little more permanently satisfying. Director Marc Roussel takes one of the most popular holidays of the year, and drops it dead in the middle of a cataclysmic event, all under the 11-minute mark – talk about compression!
In The Last Halloween,four seemingly innocent young children, all under the guises of Halloween costumes, have set out on the yearly pilgrimage to procure as many goodies door-to-door as “humanly” possible, however these streets are darker than usual, and the streets are littered with stillness. The children encounter a multitude of interesting (and ultimately frightening) characters along their path, and Roussel gives the audience something to generally be scared of – believe me when I tell you, this one WON’T end that way you might think it will. The visuals are impressive to say the least, with the look and feel of a big-budget production, and while the performances are brief, the length that the actors go to convey their respective roles’ believability is affecting to many degrees.
The Last Halloween isn’t meant to be watched as a feel-good tale revolving around All Hallows Eve – this short is strong, disheartening, and a welcome sight for those who love their holiday tales laced with terror – great stuff all around.