Tiny Marvel Zombies!

Okay, so we are slow on picking up on the goings on of HeroClix. We are also slow on the newest innovations in Larping, Cosplay and D&D expansions. Shoot me!
Nevertheless, we had to let you in on a little secret Wizkids HeroClix fans have been keeping to themselves … and they’ll probably hate me for letting the horror fans in on this. Hidden within packs of the Marvel HeroClix Supernova set are 4 unique figures plucked straight from the pages of Marvel Zombies!
Included are Zombie Spider-Man, Zombie Wolverine, Zombie Hulk and Colonel America. Since these are uniques in the set, don’t think you can pick up any old pack of Supernova and score. From the prices on Ebay, the odds are not in your favor … but happy hunting!

– Nomad
Wonder how much damage a zombie that small could do in our forums!