Dushku After a Killer

Rob Schmidt knows a good thing when it’s staring him in the face. He got to spend some time in the woods with Eliza Dushku a few years back making Wrong Turn, and now that he’s on to his next feature, he’s making sure he keeps her around. Smart guy.
The film is called The Alphabet Killer (for now) and is loosely based on an unsolved case from upstate New York in which three girls were killed. The first letter of their first names were the same as the name of the town their bodies were found in, hence the title.
According to Indie Wire Dushku is set to play a detective with some personal demons of her own who hopes to solve the case in order to ease some of the troubles in her own life. “It’s a very grim story about misery, but it’s also about a woman trying to fix herself, and I think the audience will be sympathetic to her,” Schmidt told the Wire.
Schmidt is making the movie in Rochester, NY, where the killings happened, though he said that some of the locals wish those wounds would remain closed for a while longer if possible. Shooting is expected to start this month for what will hopefully be a better than DTV release next year. Be sure to keep an eye on the film’s official site for the latest info!
Wonder how you’d keep her close in our forums!