Malone Wants Your Help!

A few weeks back we made mention of the latest film on the way from House on Haunted Hill and Feardotcom helmer William Malone called Parasomnia. Enjoying the taste of freedom he experienced shooting his Masters of Horror episode, “The Fair-Haired Child,” Malone took on the project without the involvement of any studio and raised the funds to make it himself.
That’s certainly a bold move, and you have to respect a man who, after working inside the big budget Hollywood system to make movies, is willing to take such a chance when he believes the script is good enough. So now Parasomnia is ready to roll, but because it’s all being done outside of the system, Malone has decided to call upon the fans to help make it happen!
Extras are needed for Parasomnia — lots of them — and if there’s one thing you can say abut horror fans it’s that they always want to be more involved in the creation of their movies. Malone needs people to be doctors, nurses, visitors, just the kinds of people you’d see in or around a hospital, and he needs ‘em quick! The only catch is you have to be in or around the Los Angeles area between now and the end of December!
Since we know you’re curious, Parasomnia deals with an art student who falls for a girl with a rare sleeping sickness that causes her to hardly ever be conscious, and pretty soon there’s a mesmerist haunting her dreams, trying to control her. So far Jeffrey Combs, Jeff Doucette, John Landis, Marty Ingles, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Valorie Hubbard, Sandy Martin, and a few fresh faces have signed up for the project. Want to be among them?
If you’re up for it, just drop a line to this e-mail address with your contact information, and they will get in touch with you to work out the details. That’s all you need to do to get involved with what has the potential to be a very cool horror flick from a very talented director who’s taking a big risk making a film outside the studio system.
Hope you can make it in our forums!