Comic Preview: The Darkness #3

Jackie Estacado is the heir to The Darkness, a power allowing him to create things out of the purest black of night…things that often bite. Though Jackie often leans toward the side of good, he is by no means a white hat. Jackie works with a powerful crime family as its most lethal weapon against their enemies. When he’s sent in, nothing is left but pulp.
Now I’ve been out of the loop for some time, but it seems Top Cow has re-launched the title but not the timeline, so we continue Jackie’s story and the stakes become bigger than ever. Jackie has a run-in with a scientist who poses the question “What do you really know about your power?” The truth is, very little, and interest peaked, Jackie and the scientist build an empire built on living shadows and the wonderful nightmares they can make from it.
Issue 3 sees Jackie’s new empire under fire…from the American government! Want to see The Darkness go up against an elite force of highly trained troops armed with state of the art weaponry? Wish granted. Simultaneously take a look at how Jackie got where he is now while the world explodes in fiery yellows and blood reds.
The Darkness #3 will hit stores April 16th. Until then, we’ve got a 5-page preview for you to drool over. We’ve also got a look at the NY Comic-Con exclusive. Enjoy!

– Nomad
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