First Glimpse at Reaping Poster!

Yeah, it’s not really the best looking image you could ask for of the poster, but what I can see is pretty damn impressive. To the right we have our first look at the poster for the next Dark Castle film, The Reaping, which stars Hilary Swank.
In case you’d forgotten, Swank plays a former Christian missionary who now makes it her business to travel across the country and debunk supposed signs of the holy on Earth. When she finds a town that is suffering from the Biblical Seven Plagues, however, her faith is put into question yet again.
From what I can see of the poster, sent to us by long-time contributor Markus, it’s pretty badass. Swank all wrapped up in snakes with the tagline “Evil Has a Savior”. I gotta admit, I’m more excited for this one than I probably should be given Dark Castle’s history to date. The Reaping is due out on November 8th, and its official site will be showing up right here any day now.
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