Blade Series Staked?

It seems as though the Daywalker has been dusted once and for all. Yesterday “Blade: The Series” regular Jill Wagner posted a MySpace blog stating the following:
“Just wanted to say thanks again to all of you who supported me and ‘Blade: The Series.’ I was just informed today that there will be NO 2nd season. I really enjoyed playing Krista and hope that I did her justice at least for one season! However, that is not the end of Jill Wagner’s acting career. I will keep you guys posted on what’s next for me. Again i say thanks for the support. Hey, there is always the DVD, right????”
The blog has since been removed, but it sure doesn’t sound promising. It’s a real shame, too. Despite the rather horrid pilot, the show actually gained serious momentum and turned into a terrific horror series. The writers had also promised appearences from the Reapers and Moon Knight in the following season. C’est la vie.
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