Roth Confirms Slovakian Casting

So yesterday we gave you a story with the word on some casting for genre movies like Alien vs. Predator 2 and The Hills Have Eyes 2 (read it here), but the one that seemed the strangest, and hence most likely true, was the casting of a former Slovakian government official in Eli Roth’s Hostel 2.
To make sure things were as clear as they could be, Roth dropped us a line with confirmation and even more details: “Milan Knazko was the former MINISTER OF CULTURE of Slovakia!” he enthused. “It’s hard to believe. He was a hugely popular actor who went into politics and spent 13 years in the Slovakian Parliament. And then he retired from politics and went back into acting. He’s the most famous actor from Slovakia; he’s done over 75 European films, 200 television shows, hundreds of plays, and he actually owns the commercial television station in Bratislava. And amazingly, this is his FIRST American film. He’s an incredible actor. He’s never done an American film before I think because he’s always working in a European production. He’s one of the finest actors in Europe, and we’re lucky to have him.”
Most fans know that Slovakians weren’t too happy with Roth’s portrayal of their country in the first film, but unlike most politicians Knazko seems to have his head on straight about what he’s doing. “I asked him, ‘Do you realize what film you’re in?!?’ And he said, ‘It’s fiction. It’s not a documentary about Slovakia.’ He added that ‘fairy tales for children are very violent, and these horror films are like fairy tales for adults.’ I couldn’t agree more. But if Slovakia wasn’t pissed at me before, man, wait until they find out he’s got one of the lead roles…”
Indeed, I doubt the man will be let back in their country when he’s done with Hostel 2! Stay tuned for more casting updates as the film gets ready to shoot in the coming weeks!
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