Why Quentin Tarantino Says of Director David Fincher: “He’s not in the same category as me”

Quentin Tarantino has a history of lashing out at other celebrated creators. He has previously called David Lynch “Up his own ass,” suggested the late, great Stanley Kubrick may be “…a f–king liar,” and called one of Hitchcock’s later career efforts “a piece of crap”. Knowing all of that, I guess I shouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn that Tarantino has made backhanded remarks about David Fincher. But I still cannot help but be taken aback.
A while back, Tarantino was promoting Inglourious Basterds on Charlie Rose. During that exchange, the director took aim at David Fincher, saying: “Well, I mean, well, look, just for instance, one of the most talented filmmakers of my generation is David Fincher. Alright. But he’s not in the same category as me because I’m a writer-director, and that makes a difference. That makes it a different thing.”
“Because to me, the glory in what I do is the fact that it starts with a blank piece of paper,” Tarantino said. “You look at something like Inglourious Basterds – if my mother never met my father, that would not exist in any way, shape, or form.”
Also Read: This Wholesome Family Film Terrified QT: “I gotta get out of here!”
It’s great that Tarantino writes and directs his films. But I think it’s a bit pompous for the Pulp Fiction director to suggest he’s somehow superior to a celebrated filmmaker who doesn’t write his own movies. Adapting someone else’s work allows Fincher to be more objective with the material. He isn’t married to it because he didn’t write it. But that piece seems to be lost on Tarantino.
Well, dear reader, that’s all we have for you for the time being. But do stay tuned to the site for more spicy takes as we uncover them. Also be sure to follow @DreadCentral on Twitter so you never miss an important update.