The Most-Watched Thriller on Netflix is a Deep Woods Nightmare: “Palpable tension from start to finish”

EDITOR’S NOTE: I mistakenly credited Phil Lott as co-director. The only director is Jen McGowan.
In the vast expanse of Netflix’s ever-expanding library, one film has emerged from the depths of 2019 to captivate a brand-new worldwide audience. Rust Creek, a gripping thriller, has finally found the unexpected success it deserves on the streaming giant, garnering social buzz, and is now the most-watched thriller on the Netflix movie charts.
Since its arrival on Netflix, Rust Creek has swiftly captured viewers’ attention, drawing them into its tense and suspenseful narrative. The film was directed by Jen McGowan who is also known for directing episodes of the Star Trek: Discovery and The Twilight Zone (2020). The film follows the harrowing journey of a college student who becomes stranded in the rural Kentucky wilderness while on her way to a job interview. As she navigates the treacherous terrain and encounters danger at every turn, she must summon all her strength and resourcefulness to survive.
What sets Rust Creek apart is its deft blend of thriller tropes with nuanced character development and atmospheric storytelling. Led by a standout performance from Hermione Corfield, the film offers a compelling portrayal of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.
Dread Central’s Tyler Doupe’ featured the movie in his award-nominated video column, The Overlook Motel. Doupe writes: “This flick is tense and entertaining with a plucky protagonist and a series of exciting twists and turns. In fact, Rust Creek delivers palpable tension from start to finish. This is a fast-paced horror-thriller that barely gives the audience a chance to catch their breath between harrowing encounters.“
Check out the trailer for the top-charting thriller on Netflix
The newfound success of Rust Creek on Netflix can be attributed to its ability to resonate with viewers on multiple levels. The film not only delivers pulse-pounding thrills but also explores themes of survival, identity, and the human spirit. Its gripping storyline and well-crafted suspense have kept audiences on the edge of their seats, eager to unravel the mysteries lurking within the wilderness.
Social media has been abuzz with praise for Rust Creek, with viewers praising its taut pacing, atmospheric cinematography, and strong performances. Twitter, in particular, has been a discussion hub, with fans sharing their enthusiasm for the film and recommending it to others.
See what fans are saying about Rust Creek on Netflix
As Rust Creek continues to find an eager audience on Netflix, it cements its status as a hidden gem worth discovering. With its gripping narrative and memorable characters, the film stands as a testament to the power of independent cinema to captivate and enthrall audiences worldwide.
For viewers in search of a riveting thriller that will keep them guessing until the very end, Rust Creek delivers in spades, proving that sometimes the most unexpected journeys lead to the greatest discoveries.

Will you be checking out Rust Creek now that’s finding new life on Netflix? Let us know on Twitter via @DreadCentral. We are always around to chat about all things survival horror!