More Poltergeist Remake Details and Plot Points – Sequel or a Reboot?

Movie Hole
More details have surfaced regarding director Gil Kenan’s remake of the 1981 classic Poltergeist, which Sam Raimi is producing… turns out this one could be less remake and more sequel. Read on for the latest!
As per MovieHole:
The Kenan-directed Raimi-produced reboot – much like the “Evil Dead” remake – exists in the same world as the previous “Poltergeist” films. So while it is a ‘reboot’ of the franchise, it’s also somewhat of a sequel – taking place years after the Freelings were run out of town.
In one scene in the new film, the kids find some things behind the sliding panel in the attic. Yep, you guessed it – they find some of the Freelings’ possessions, intentionally left behind. There’s the Star Wars bed sheets (from Robbie’s room), a black-and-white TV set (why, of course!), and some Christmas decorations.
Although the new film may possess new characters and somewhat of a different storyline, all the ‘familiar beats’ from the original “Poltergeist” films are in it. There’s the scary tree that proves a looming threat to our youngster (and gets pulled underground), the freaky ‘clown’ that sits upon a rocking chair in the bedroom (in this case, the clown sits in younger brother Griffin’s room), and of course there’s ‘phone’ trouble (in this case, older sister Kendra’s iPhone gets damaged by unseen forces), and of course the little girl – Madison – who makes friends with ‘The Lost People’ that nobody can see (but who don’t mind ‘showing off’ – making Madison’s hair stand up like she’s just been struck by electricity, being just one of their ‘tricks’).
Interesting. We may just see the return of the Freelings in some capacity. A cameo maybe? Let’s hope for all parties concerned that the Poltergeist curse doesn’t return as well.
Thanks to DC reader Chris J. for the heads-up!
As reported earlier, the new version follows Eric Bowen and his family, who, after he loses his job, relocate to a new town to start over. His daughter, Madison, is abducted, making him truly understand what’s important in life: family.
Casting has begun, and shooting is scheduled to commence as early as September in Toronto, Canada. Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert, and Roy Lee produce. David Lindsay-Abaire is listed as the main screenwriter although Juliet Snowden and Stiles White had previously worked on the script.
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