The Gasp Menagerie – Family Flees From Haunted Home in France

Sometimes when scouring the Internet for horror movie related news for you cats, we come across an article that we just have to cover. Especially when its content proves to be way stranger than fiction.
According to UPI an everyday normal family in France were forced to leave their homes because of floating objects and violent poltergeist attacks. The residents of the home in Mentque-Nortbecourt said a family member was hospitalized earlier this month after being struck by a chair in the face and a soap tray in the back. If that isn’t enough, a close family friend and witness to the alleged haunting had to be hospitalized after suffering injuries caused by thrown stones. Yes, thrown stones.
The family members were given temporary lodging in a campsite by local officials, and the father said the Nord-Pas-de-Calais regional council is working to find them a new home. The family said an exorcist from the local diocese has been visiting the house in an attempt to banish the spirits.
Nothing like kicking off your Tuesday with a chill, huh?
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