Exclusive: Amy Allan and Steve DiSchiavi Talk The Dead Files Season 3 and Answer Fan Questions

“The Dead Files” on Travel Channel
With the third season of the popular Travel Channel television series “The Dead Files” on the horizon, we sat down with co-hosts Amy Allan and Steve DiSchiavi for a preview of what’s to come, and they also answered some fan submitted questions. Read on for the latest!
Devoting more than 21 years of active service to the New York City Police Department, retired Homicide Detective Steve DiSchiavi (in-depth interview here) is now lending his expertise to the series that has paranormal fans worldwide absolutely buzzing. Based on the powerful premise that every property has a story to be told, DiSchiavi and physical medium Amy Allan (in-depth interview here) combine their unique skills to solve unexplained paranormal phenomena in haunted locations across America.

“In Season Three the cases have become a lot more intense,” says DiShiavi. “People are now more aware of the show than ever, and those with legitimate problems have been reaching out to us for help. We have a lot more cases to investigate. These people are nice enough to let us try and help them, and we appreciate that. Things have been way more intense though, especially for Amy. Some of the clients have been pretty shocked by some of our findings.”
Allan chimes in, “The last case we did in Seattle was extremely difficult and a little scary for me to have to deal with. The entities that were there and what they wanted to do… It was a life and death situation for the individuals that we were there for, and it became that kind of situation for me as well.”
“Actually we had to pull Amy out of the reveal. She got to the point where she just couldn’t be there,” says DiSchiavi with concern still lingering in his voice. “That’s the first time I’ve ever had to do that. I could see that something was going on. We didn’t want to make the client uncomfortable, so Amy being the professional that she is just kept it in. After a bit she said to me she had to get out of there, so we did. It’s frustrating for me to see her going through things like this and not be able to do anything for her. We never know what’s going to happen. There’s no amount of preparation we can do to fully get us set for some of the things we find out or experience. I think that’s also party of the appeal of our show. You’re just not going to see the same thing over and over again.”
“Our methods remain the same, but what we’re walking into is always different and sometimes even mind-boggling,” says Allan.
“We thought that our second season was pretty intense, but so far this third season is just blowing it away,” Dischiavi adds.
“Amy and I are very protective of each other. We probably have the closest relationship that two people who don’t work together could possibly have. We are like brother and sister, but at the same time we’re professional partners. The time we get to spend together which doesn’t involve working on cases… I’m always breaking her chops. I’m like the tormenting brother,” says DiSchiavi as we all share a laugh.
“In this season Amy has been coming up with so many different types of solutions to help our clients. I’m still learning as I go here. There’s a lot of stuff out there that I never even knew about. We had this one investigation that had an entity that was an Apport. It could move things,” Steve continues.
“Yes, this entity could manifest and transport objects. Apporting is when you take an object, make it disappear, only to make it reappear elsewhere,” Amy explains. “This goes beyond just moving objects. Apports can also manifest things, like change, or things like that.”
“During that investigation I was sitting at the table during the reveal. I remember my interviews well,” DiShiavi continues. “The clients had told me specifically how things would be in one location and then show up in the freezer or something. Without knowing any of this, Amy turns to the clients and tells them that they have an Apport here which can move objects. I was just like, ‘Wow.’ It wasn’t just one person that told me this, it was several. For her to hit on it like that? Let’s just say it never gets boring.”
Amy then went on to reveal that she is still learning herself. “That last case we did, the Seattle one, it taught me that I really need to take care of my health a little bit better so that I’m stronger on the road. That way if I ever come into contact with an entity who attacks me, I can be more ready.”
Without getting into too much detail, it was revealed that Amy had been attacked a couple of times while working the Seattle case. “Like I said, it’s been a really rough season for her. She’s a very tough lady. People ask her how she does it, and to be honest with you, I have no idea.”
“We come from similar backgrounds,” Steve says of his relationship with Amy. “We’re both more or less public servants. The whole point of this show is that we’re trying to help people. Sometimes things can get really heart-wrenching. Take the ‘Fatal Attraction’ case. [Season 2, Episode 13] The dentist there, Dr. Grimes, he had such compassion for the spirit of the young girl in his house. How could you not feel for this guy? When Amy told him that her spirit needed to move on, it was like telling a dad that he’s losing a kid.”

Fan Questions
Jessx3 asks: Amy, do you have any siblings; and if so, are they sensitives, too?
“Yes, I have a younger brother and he is a sensitive, but he does not use his abilities professionally.”
Grace MacLeod asks: Amy and Steve – how do you both sleep at night after what you hear and see?
Steve: *laughing* “We tend to have a couple of cocktails after every reveal is over!”
Amy: *laughing* “Yeah, that’s what we call ‘the unwinding process’!”
Lindsay Rose asks: I want to know how Amy sees spirits – with her actual eyes or her mind’s eye?
“I see them with my eyes. I see them just like anyone would see actual living people. Unless I’m using Psychometry, that’s when I’m touching an object or like a location’s walls. I receive the information through touch, and then I get a visual image.”
Rada Lewis asks: Is there an increase in paranormal activity, or does it just seem that way because people are more comfortable talking about it?
Steve: “I don’t know about the paranormal end of it, but I think people are more comfortable talking about stuff that even twenty-five or thirty years ago they wouldn’t have dreamed of saying. This is a very good thing.”
Amy: “I think it’s more of an awareness now. The paranormal is something that it’s time to talk about. To become more comfortable with it and explore it.”
Kathy Vance asks: When you guys are doing the reveal… have you ever had something paranormal happen when talking with a client?
Steve: “Amy’s actually had entities sitting with us at the table during the reveal. One time she saw a girl sitting underneath the table holding Amy’s leg the entire time.” [Season 2, Episode 6: “Pandora’s Box”]
Lizz asks: Steve, have you ever been as equally “disturbed” by a dead file as you were while working homicide?
“I’ve seen so much tragedy and horror in my career. I’ve seen what people can do to each other. Nothing really shocks me. Sometimes, though, I am a little shocked about the history behind some of these cases. Like, ‘Really? This actually happened?’ Like the tarred and feathered victim in Key West. I can’t believe anyone would actually do that to someone. [Season 1, Episode 8: “Killed by the Klan”] That’s the type of things that still surprise me.”
Sara asks: Amy, is there any literature or websites you’d recommend for ‘”sensitives”? Coping, education, etc?
“The thing I suggest is that if you are a sensitive, you take things very slowly. Read your bookstore literature, but also go to the Parapsychological Association. Look up various research papers. Also look in your area to see if you can find somebody who’d be willing to invest some time in helping you understand what’s going on with you. There’s lots of resources out there you can explore from Duke University and things of that nature.”
Wrapping things up, both Steve and Amy had one important thing left to say to their fans who watch the show and support them.
“We are very grateful for your support of the show, and hopefully we’ll continue to deliver some very good television that will serve to both entertain and educate you. We truly believe that we have the greatest fans on the planet. ‘Dead Files’ fans are very unique and very passionate about our show. Also, we’re doing a photo shoot soon so fans will finally be able to get some shots of us together. We know you’ve been asking about that, and we’re on our way to make that happen for you guys.”
“The Dead Files” Season 3 is comprised of 17 episodes – 12 new and 5 revisits. The show airs every Friday on the Travel Channel. Check your local listings.

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