Fans Get To Choose Items For Dead Island Riptide’s Collector’s Edition

Deep Silver recently ran a survey asking fans what they wanted to see in Dead Island: Riptide’s Collector’s Editions. The survey lets fans pick between several fun options which included bobble heads and keychains. Read on to learn more.
Dead Island Riptide brings back the explosive mix of open-world gameplay, co-op first-person action and RPG elements to fans worldwide. They thought they had escaped the terrors of Banoi and survived the apocalypse on a corrupted paradise. Then their fate took a turn for the worse. The Dead Island heroes escaped in a helicopter to the safety of a military ship, but when a furious storm hits and the virus suddenly spreads throughout the crew, the nightmare starts all over again, leaving hope drowning in the rising tides.
Deep Silver recently decided to let fans decide what’s going to be included in the Dead Island Riptide’s Collector’s Edition. Deep Silver posted a survey that allowed players to choose between many options including bobbleheads all the way to keychains.
“We’re thinking about doing a Collector’s Edition for Dead Island Riptide. The big question is: what should be in it!?” Deep Silver asks in the survey. “We’ve polled the community for ideas, and we have some ideas of our own. If you have a few minutes, please let us know how just you feel about these ideas. We will take all of this feedback under serious consideration, so here is your chance to tell us what you want!”
You can visit the official Dead Island website to learn more about the game.

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