Universal Halloween Horror Nights: You Are The Walking Dead in The Walking Dead: Dead Inside

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Every year Universal Studios goes all out for its Halloween Horror Nights event. One of the biggest draws to this event every year is the horror mazes.
In years past the mazes have been themed on such horror classics as Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and many more. This year, in a move that makes so much sense that it blows my mind, one of the new mazes will be based on AMC’s smash hit series “The Walking Dead”.
This past week, Dread Central was on hand as creative director John Murdy gave a sneak peek of what park goers can expect from the maze. If you’re a fan of “The Walking Dead” (and if you’re reading this site, I’m willing to bet that you are), you definitely don’t want to miss this.
The Walking Dead: Dead Inside is based on the first two seasons of the AMC series. In the maze, you’ll retrace the steps of Rick Grimes and company as you relive iconic moments from the series, starting with the hospital all the way up to Hershel Walker’s farm.
The maze plays like a greatest hits collection from the series. If it’s a zombie-centric moment from the show that’s etched in your brain, it’s probably included in Dead Inside. The “Don’t open, dead inside” door in the hospital, the “bicycle girl” zombie, the tank that Rick takes refuge in, the well zombie, the barn, it’s all included. The only thing that’s missing is a room that you stand in for an hour yelling “Sophia!” Ah well, there’s always next year.
One of the biggest things that’s always on my mind when I’m watching “The Walking Dead” is how bad it always must smell in that universe. I mean, rotting corpses everywhere, no easy access to personal hygiene; it must reek to high heaven at all times. And, well, John Murdy and his team are a detail-oriented bunch of guys. In certain rooms of the maze, they’ll be pumping in a scent called “dead body”, which I’m sure is lovely.
Even out in broad daylight, with a fairly large group of other people, The Walking Dead: Dead Inside proved to be a pretty creepy experience. At one point during the tour, a member of the crew popped through a door, attempting to get a jump out of the group. And it worked. Several people on the tour got a good scare out of it. Not me, though. I’m a tough guy.
I can’t wait to walk through this thing with a full cast, authentic sound effects from the show, and in pitch black darkness. It should be an incredibly intense ride. A real zombie apocalypse may never happen, but this is the next best thing.
Okay, maybe I jumped a little. Don’t tell anybody.
Universal Studios’ Halloween Horror Nights starts on September 21st and runs through Halloween.
Tickets and vacation packages are on sale now. Details on “Halloween Horror Nights” are available at Halloween Horror Nights.com. Updates from Creative Director John Murdy can be found on Twitter, as he reveals a running chronicle of exclusive information. “Halloween Horror Nights” maze announcement videos can be seen at Universal Studios Hollywood’s YouTube Channel.
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