Bet You Didn’t Know: Dolly Parton Secretly Produced BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER!

With (literally) legions of followers, it’s hard to believe there’s anything about the long-running TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and the film that spawned it) that fans don’t already know. Still, a fascinating bit of trivia just surfaced that has shaken the Buffy-verse. It turns out actress and country music icon Dolly Parton was secretly a producer!
While never personally credited, Parton is a co-founder of Sandollar Entertainment (credited at the end of every episode); she launched the company in 1986 with friend and former business partner Sandy Gallin. (Source) And, yes, Sandollar also produced the movie (released in 1992)–and Angel!
About the Series:
Sarah Michelle Gellar takes on the role of Buffy Summers in this TV version of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” based on the film of the same title, which starred Kristy Swanson. Buffy is a Slayer, one in a long line of young women chosen for a specific mission: to seek out and destroy vampires, demons and other forces of darkness. Unlike her predecessors, Buffy establishes a group of supportive friends who aids her in her battles with evil, including Willow, Xander and Cordelia. Her battles with evil are frequent, since Sunnydale, where Buffy and friends live, sits atop a gateway to the realm of the demons.
Buffy fans had already noted that The Slayer’s birthday is January 19th, the same as Parton’s. While this was always considered a shout-out, the revelation of Parton’s participation in the series makes this a true Easter Egg.

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