Tarantino Thinks GRINDHOUSE Was A Little Too Cool For School

Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez’s awesome double feature Grindhouse was NOT a hit at the box-office when it first hit. And all these years later, it looks like Tarantino has an idea why.
He tells Empire: “With Grindhouse, I think me and Robert just felt that people had a little more of a concept of the history of double features and exploitation movies. No, they didn’t. At all. They had no idea what the f*ck they were watching. It meant nothing to them, alright, what we were doing. So that was a case of being a little too cool for school.”
Maybe that’s true… but I sure loved the sh*t out of the flick!
For those that might not know, Grindhouse saw Tarantino and Rodriguez pay tribute to exploitation films of the 1970s with two features in one. Tarantino’s slasher Death Proof, and Rodriguez’s zombie movie Planet Terror. Fictitious movie trailers ran during the intermission.
Rated R for strong graphic bloody violence and gore, pervasive language, some sexuality, nudity and drug use, the double feature sports an 84% approval rating over on Rotten Tomatoes with a Critics Consensus that reads: Grindhouse delivers exhilarating exploitation fare with wit and panache, improving upon its source material with feral intelligence.
What did you think of Grindhouse and which flick to you like better? Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!