New Writer-Director Working on SPAWN Reboot

As we all know, Spawn creator Todd MacFarlane has been hard at work on an upcoming live-action big-screen reboot of the character with Jeremy Renner attached as Twitch and Jamie Foxx as Spawn. And today we’re hearing from MacFarlane himself that a new mysterious writer-director is currently polishing the script.
McFarlane told BeTerrific:
“Right now it’s being polished by another writer-director from the script that we handed him. He’s supposed to be done with it here in a few weeks, and then once we sort of go back and forth and tighten it up a little bit, then we’re going into Hollywood and we’re gonna get a yes or no.”
He continues:
“Here’s what I can tell you: I have people with money on the sidelines. There are people that are gonna help me make this movie. The question is, do we go into Hollywood, make a deal with Hollywood, go and make the production, and then come back? Or do I take the outside money, go make it, and then come back to Hollywood?”
Finally, he adds:
“Either way, the movie’s coming. It’s not an ‘if,’ it’s a ‘when.’ I just think that it would be better for the process if we could attach one of the studios in advance, and then go put it out. Because then we’d be able to make an announcement of the release date … knowing that it’s coming instead of making it and trying to get the release date later.“
Check out the full interview HERE.
Are you still excited to see Todd MacFarlane’s Spawn reboot? Do you think it will ever actually hit screens? Let us know in the comments below or over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!