Giamatti Talks Nosferatu


Paul Giamatti talks Bubba NosferatuIt’s still up in the air as to whether or not we’ll be seeing Bubba Nosferatu, the prequel to Don Coscarelli’s Bubba Ho-Tep, but if it does happen, critically acclaimed actor Paul Giamatti is more than willing to take second billing to the Mighty Chin.

“I’m one of those culty, geeky guys who loves Bruce [Campbell], who was fantastic in Bubba Ho-Tep,” Giamatti recently said in an interview with As has been reported, Giamatti would play Colonel Parker to Campbell’s Elvis, and even though Parker was truly the man behind the man in real life, Paul understands the power of Bruce, “In reality, Colonel Parker was the man, but in a film with Bruce Campbell playing Elvis, he is the man, and that’s fine with me.”

The plot of Nosferatu would see a younger Elvis and The Colonel heading to Lousiana to make a movie, where they are assailed by a coven of she-vampires. Coscarelli and Landsdale are writing the script, and some recent words from Bruce have made it seem like it’s definitely on the front burners. We’ll be keeping our eyeballs peeled for ya!

Johnny Butane

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