Deftone Pictures Studios Announces a Release Date and More Details for Ombis

A week or so ago we got the first word on DefTone Pictures Studios’ Ombis, which is being co-directed by Adam Steigert and Mark Mendola, and now we have more details on the locations being used for the shoot along with a projected release date and a few behind-the-scenes photos.
From the Press Release:
DefTone Pictures Studios announces a release date for the most ambitious project in the company’s history, a feature-length film entitled Ombis. October 13th, 2013, has been slated for the theatrical release. This next film from the award-winning studio is gearing up to be epic in scale as the studio releases details on production locations.
Ombis is a 1950’s style alien invasion film in which a life form crash lands in Metzburgh, a village whose glory days are long past. It begins to infect the townsfolk, making them host to a supernatural virus whose sole purpose is to replicate itself. But the virus is not the only thing that has invaded this small community. A creature known as the “Nemesis” has also arrived in an attempt to contain the alien plague that originated from its home planet. It is up to a small group of uninfected survivors to fight the invasion and make it out alive.
“The Ombis script has received rave reviews from the cast, crew, and others who have had the opportunity to read it. DefTone Pictures Studios has been given the first filming rights to shoot in ‘Silo City’, a series of grain elevators that are remnants of Buffalo, New York’s illustrious industrial history, which had its golden era from the 1830’s through the mid 1930’s. Currently these huge mills stand unused but are in the process of being looked at for future development, and we are excited to be the first film crew to shoot a feature film using this location. The Village of Angola, New York also will once again set the stage as it reprises its role from The Final Night and Day (2011) as Metzburgh,” says producer/location manager Janeen Avery.
Ombis is based on a short story by Adam R. Steigert and was written by Steigert, Janeen Avery, Mark Mendola, and Terry Kimmel. Principal filming on special effects has begun but does not include any performances by the lead actors/actresses. The introduction scene of the film is currently being edited and contains a combination of both special effect shots and computer graphic imagining. DefTone Pictures Studios will be releasing in March of 2012 merchandise from the film, which will include limited edition t-shirts, an exclusive Ombis poster, and the Ombis virus in a test tube.
Phill Beith, make-up effects supervisor and a graduate of the Tom Savini School of Art, provides an update and thoughts on the production: “With only two months left before the first shooting date we (myself and make-up artist Jill Jovic) are literally working around the clock to design the ‘Nemesis’ from head to toe as well as the rest of the effects in the film. I’m excited to be involved in such an ambitious project, albeit a little nervous. Adam basically gave me a description of what he wanted and I just ran with it. So far everyone on the crew seems to be impressed with my sculpture of the Nemesis’ look. I don’t want to give anything away, but working on this film is every horror and sci-fi lover’s dream come true!”
Casting is complete and features Richard Satterwhite (Sheriff Thomas Brackett), Sara Manzella (Lucy), Jason John Beebe (Mark), and Alexander Sloan McBryde (Mr. Gray).
For more be sure to visit the official DefTone Pictures Studios website.

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