Warner Brothers Opens The Vatican to The Devil Inside Director William Brent Bell

For better or for worse, The Devil Inside director William Brent Bell has gotten a lot of attention lately for creating one of the single most profitable and hated films we can ever remember. Noting his success, Warner Bros. is lining up a new gig for Bell in some very familiar territory.
According to Deadline, Warner Bros. has acquired The Vatican, a pitch for a conspiracy driven thriller to be scripted by David Cohen. Bell has made a deal to direct the film. The Vatican will be produced by Roy Lee, Lawrence Grey, John Middleton, and Bell’s producing partner, Matt Peterman. Peterman wrote The Devil Inside with Bell and produced that horror hit with Morris Paulson.
The Vatican, a sale that was conducted right before the holidays, will be fast-tracked by Warner Bros. and is described as a hybrid that uses some found footage techniques like The Devil Inside did.
Let the continued pissing match begin.
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