Make a Date with Paranormal Activity 4

Earlier in the week we found out that the fourth entry into the Paranormal Activity franchise is indeed a go, and now? Well now, dearest reader, we have a release date for your horror-hungry soul.
As always October is the month that you can count on for the film to debut, and so it shall on Friday, October 19th, 2012. That’s plenty of time to catch up on sleep before you’re haunted for days by every single little noise you hear around your house.
If you’re wondering why it’s not closer to Halloween, that’s because Dimension Films’ Halloween 3D has already claimed October 26th. Our sources tell us that there still isn’t any movement to speak of regarding that flick, but you never know.
No director has been named for PA4, and there’s no telling where they’re going to go with the story from here, but it should be interesting! Stay tuned!
Follow Paranormal Activity on Twitter (@TweetYourScream) for more upcoming announcements, and as always keep an eye on the official Paranormal Activity website!

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