New Film Ginger Spices Up the Supernatural

Bloody Disgusting
Word of The Theatre Bizarre alumnus Buddy Giovinazzo’s new flick has finally hit this crazy thing we lovingly call the interwebs, and we have the details for you on tap and ready to be poured into your horror-loving cerebellum.
According to Bloody Disgusting Giovinazzo is getting behind the camera for Ginger, a new supernatural horror film set to lens next week in Los Angeles.
Elissa Dowling (Manson Rising, Telephone World, The Theatre Bizarre, Waiting for Dracula) has landed the lead title role alongside Marc Senter (Red White & Blue, The Lost, I Know Who Killed Me, Cabin Fever 2).
Senter will play a music blogger named Mark who discovers an up and coming singer, Ginger (Dowling). He travels to interview her in an old house in the mountains where strange things begin to happen. Apparently the previous owners were mass murders, and now the house in haunted by malevolent spirits.
Look for more soon!
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