New Trailer & Poster for Lindsay Lohan Werewolf Movie AMONG THE SHADOWS Drops Ahead of EMF
As a child actress, Lindsay Lohan was seen as a thespian with a bright future, but she achieved superstardom for many of the worst reasons. Her talents were overshadowed by erratic behavior blamed on drug use. Lohan went to rehab and saw her career hit a dry spell before she moved to the Middle East where she lived for many years. Whatever is going on inside Lohan’s noggin these days, she’s at least got her shit together enough to star in a new feature film—and it’s a horror movie at that!
Among the Shadows will be looking to acquire distribution at the European Film Market (EFM) which kicks off later this month. In advance of the event, producers have released a new trailer and poster for the film, which looks to put a modern sheen on classic horror movie tropes. You can check out the trailer at the top of the article, followed by the synopsis and poster below.
Kristy Wolfe is a Brussels private eye
descended from werewolves who must go to work when her uncle Harry Goldtsone is
murdered in a politically-motivated attack. Patricia Sherman (Lohan), the wife
of European Federation President Richard Sherman, hires Wolfe to investigate
Goldstone’s killing, as he was her husband’s campaign manager. Wolfe finds
bodies falling all over city and must use her innate instincts to unravel the
case and stay alive long enough unmask the conspiracy.

Among the Shadows is directed by Tiago Mesquita from a screenplay penned by Mark Morgan. In addition to Lohan, the film stars Charlotte Beckett, Gianni Capaldi, and Dominik Madani.
What do you think of Lindsay Lohan’s return to the limelight? How do you like the trailer, synopsis, and poster for Among the Shadows? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!