Dread Central Presents: Clint Carney on Transitioning From Writer to Actor in DRY BLOOD

With the January 15 home video and VOD release date of Dread Central Presents’ Dry Blood fast approaching, we wanted to give you a taste of the special features that will be included with this film. That’s why we’re bringing you a first look at a behind-the-scenes clip where director Kelton Jones and writer/star Clint Carney discuss Carney’s transition from being behind the camera to mainlining the feature, along with all that such an endeavor entails! You can watch the clip for yourself above and make sure to order your copy of Dry Blood through Epic Pictures!

There are also two events to keep track of if you’re in the Los Angeles area! First up are screenings of the movie at The Frida starting January 11. For more information, click here. The second event is a signing over at Dark Delicacies with writer/star Clint Carney as well as Dread Central Presents’ own Rob Galluzzo (Shock Waves)! Ticket information can be found right here.

In a rural mountain town, an unstable drug addict must unravel a surreal murder mystery as he’s terrorized by malevolent ghosts, a deranged sheriff, and the frightening hallucinations from his withdrawal.

Directed by Kelton Jones, and written/starring/produced by System Syn‘s Clint Carney, Dry Blood stars Clint Carney, Jaymie Valentine, Kelton Jones, Robert V. Galluzzo, Graham Sheldon, Rin Ehlers, and Macy Johnson.



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