Ouija Watch a Witchboard Remake?


Witchboard next on the remake blockIf you thought a remake of Troll sounded inexplicable then how do you feel about a remake of Witchboard? Though that decent little horror flick from 1986 has gone on to amass a small cult following, a remake of the film strikes me as kind of pointless. I mean how movies about good-looking young people unleashing an evil spirit while messing around with a Ouija board have there been since? It wasn’t exactly the most original of premises to begin with.

Kevin Tenney, who kicked off his career writing and directing Witchboard and would follow it up by helming such other low budget sci-fi and horror flicks as Night of the Demons, Pinocchio’s Revenge, The Second Arrival, and most recently a lousy sci-fi action flick that totally squandered an otherwise great premise called Endangered Species (review), tells Deadpit Radio that a Witchboard remake is in the works. Quoting Tenney, “We bought the rights to Witchboard from the original production company and we’re going to do a remake, and we’re raising the money ourselves.” I can only hope whatever he has in mind for this remake turns out better than the lousy Witchboard 2: The Devil’s Doorway he made direct-to-video back in ’93.

And not only are they going to need to raise the dough to produce the remake, they’re also going to have to find someone physically capable of filling Tawny Kitaen’s shower stall. No way could that film would be anywhere near as memorable without her famous nude shower scene. It was the red-headed babe who slithered out on car hoods in the Whitesnake videos naked in a movie, that alone made the movie a must rent for every hot-blooded American male at the time.

By the way, has there ever been a movie about Ouija board that unleashes a non-evil spirit? I can’t think of any off the top of my head.

The Foywonder

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