Are These the Top 10 Nightmare-Inducing Monsters in Gaming?

It’s really no wonder so many video games are being adapted into feature films in the 21st Century. Video games have come a long way from the linear, pixilated, formulaic time-killers they used to be. With teams including programmers, writers, and even celebrity actors, today’s video games are legitimately cinematic experiences.
If you need any convincing that the digital realm is a hellish landscape of nightmare-inducing killers and creatures, check out the video below from our friends at WatchMojo: Top 10 Nightmare Fuel Creatures in Video Games. Give it a watch and let us know if your favorite chilling creeper made the list! If you can’t stream, the Top 10 trauma-causing creatures are listed below the video; enjoy!
It’s probably best not to play these games in the dark! Welcome to and today we will be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Nightmare Fuel Creatures in Video Games. Expect some spooky games in this list such as Doom, Silent Hill, and Resident Evil.
Here are the creatures in order:
- Cherubs from Doom 3
- Endermen from Minecraft
- Wallmasters from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Clickers from The Last of Us
- Twin Victim from Silent Hill 4: The Room
- Headcrab Zombies from Half Life
- Khezu from Monster Hunter
- Regenerators from Resident Evil 4
- Centaurs from Fallout
- Monstrosity of Sin from Dark Souls III
Did your favorite terrifying manifestation from video games make the list? Who are some other nightmare fuel monsters from video games that deserve a shout out? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!