(Spoilers) THE WALKING DEAD Showrunner Confirms Heath Met Same Fate as Rick

The Walking Dead showrunner Angela Kang has finally answered one of the series’ most enduring question: What the hell happened to Heath (Corey Hawkins)? The last time we saw the character was back in Season 7 when he and Tara found themselves on opposite sides of a bridge overrun with walkers. While his fate has never been explicitly addressed, many fans considered him another casualty of the zombie apocalypse.
Not so, and it turns out Heath’s fate is tied to that of Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), who was spirited away in a helicopter at the end of last Sunday’s episode (never to be seen again—except in future made-for-TV movies). Kang confirmed that Heath, too, was trafficked in Jadis’s slave trade, meaning he was taken off to God-knows-where. She told Business Insider:
“That was kind of the intention that we had in the back of our heads this whole time. Even back in that season where you know we had to write the wonderful Corey Hawkins out because he had huge opportunities in the feature film world… those seeds were already set there.”
The fact that Hawkins left the show on good terms to peruse other creative projects means he could technically return to the series at any time. Kang claims the door is opened: “He’s a wonderful human being and a terrific actor” she stated when asked about the possibility of the actor/character’s future with the show.
When The Walking Dead returns tomorrow on AMC, 6 years will have passed since last week’s episode. The show has been hemorrhaging viewers for several seasons now, but this is an unprecedented turning point with the potential to reinvigorate the core fanbase while bringing wayward watchers back into the fold. Take a look at the trailer below for a peek at what’s in store in upcoming episodes.
How does it feel to know exactly what happened to Heath? Are you excited to see where The Walking Dead will go in the upcoming episodes? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!