Host Hits 10 Million

With the 10 million admissions mark having just been surpassed, The Host continues to barrage moviegoers with monster madness.
Twitch Film reports that the recent Edinburgh International Film Festival screening earned a shiny 5-star rating from Filmstalker, and I can’t say how pleased I am to continually hear more and more success stories about this highly anticipated feature from Bong Joon-Ho.
Next up is the London Frightfest (August 28th), and in just a few short weeks The Host makes its North American debut at the Toronto International Film Festival. If you can’t be at either screening, why not anticipate it with a viewing of Memories of Murder? There’s still no word from Magnolia Pictures as to when it will be coming out in the U.S., but we’re keeping our ears open and will let you know.
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