Jason Goes to Hell Director Says Jason Is a Deadite!

While Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday isn’t exactly the most beloved entry in the series, it’s almost certainly one of the most batshit crazy titles in the wildly popular franchise! Everyone knows that the ending helped popularize the fan desire to see a Freddy vs. Jason film (which we got), but it also lit a flame for a Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash title, which we only saw in comic book form.
In a new interview with Horror Geek Life, Jason Goes to Hell director Adam Marcus reveals that the fan desire to see such a title is built upon an amazing bit of mythology that he helped create. Put into the most simple of terms, Jason is a Deadite!
Here’s how it all went down, according to Marcus:
“I was populating [Jason Goes to Hell] with Easter eggs, and at that time I was on set while writing the script, and spending time with Bob Kurtzman for The Evil Dead part 3 [Army of Darkness]. I had become friendly with Sam Raimi, so much so that he had shot several commercials in LA and I had hung out with him on set. Sam’s an amazing guy, and one of my heroes. So while I was there, I asked Sam if I could borrow the Necronomicon to put into my movie. Sam gave a bewildered “Why?!” and I explained the story. I was trying to create a mythology for Jason in this movie, because it had driven me nuts as a viewer.
“…at the end of [Friday the 13th] – because [Sean Cunningham] wanted to rip off Carrie, since it was a huge success – he thought, wouldn’t it be great if the kid leaps out of the water and grabs the girl? It ended up being the best scare in the movie. Here’s the thing though, he never thought they were going to make a series of movies about the kid in the lake. Cut to several months later and Alice from the first movie is in her home and this full-size man (who was a boy two months ago) murders her- I know for me I was only twelve when part two came out, and even as a kid myself, I asked “What? Why isn’t it a boy, and how did he live for thirty years in a lake?”
“So what I told Sam was “I think it’s more fun if I have the Necronomicon in Pamela Voorhees’ house. She makes a deal with the devil by reading from the Necronomicon to bring back her son. This is why Jason isn’t Jason. He’s Jason plus The Evil Dead,” and now I can believe that he can go from a little boy that lives in a lake, to a full grown man in a couple of months, to Zombie Jason, to never being able to kill this guy.
“Raimi loved it! He literally went and picked up the book, put it in a plastic bag and told me to put it in the movie. So only Sam, myself, and Bob Kurtzman ever knew that was my agenda. It’s not like I could tell New Line my plan to include The Evil Dead, because they don’t own The Evil Dead.
“So yes, in my opinion, Jason Voorhees is a Deadite. He’s one of The Evil Dead.“
So there you have it! If we’re to accept all the strange things that have happened over the Friday the 13th series as canon, then we can now say without a shadow of a doubt in our minds that Jason Voorhees lives in the same universe as The Evil Dead!
Now, can we PLEASE get a movie made?