Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon Headed to Theaters & VOD for 10th Anniversary

Like many of you guys out there, I am a big fan of director Scott Glosserman’s now-classic found footage horror-comedy Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon. And if you’re like me then you’ll be excited as hell to hear that the slasher satire is heading to theaters and VOD in celebration of its 10th Anniversary this year!
The only catch is that to get the flick to screen theatrically in your neck of the woods, you’ll need to hit up Gathr and “demand” the film. Not a lot to ask, I say.
On top of all that, the 10th Anniversary VOD release will come with a director’s commentary by Scott Glosserman. Marking the first time the filmmaker has recorded such a commentary for his film.
Interesting side-note: The commentary was recorded on Adam Green & Joe Lynch’s The Movie Crypt podcast. The more you know, right? Currently, there isn’t a set release date for the VOD or theatrical screenings.
We’ll let you know more when we hear more!