Who Goes There Podcast: Episode 131 – IT (2017)

The time is finally upon us. After what feels like an eternity of waiting, and the laughably bad adaptations of The Dark Tower on film and “The Mist” as a TV series, we finally get what we’ve all been waiting for; we finally get… IT!
Join us as we get swept away (see what I did there?) in trying to figure out if 2017’s IT did justice to the original. But wait… there’s more! Download now, and you’ll also get to hear who we think should play the kids as grown-ups, how to milk a shark franchise, and what Chris thought of “American Horror Story: Cult.”
So there ya have it. Wax up your paper boat, put on your goulashes, and run headfirst into a new episode of awesomeness. Don’t worry; we don’t float down here. We’re too fat.
We recommend that until we can get to you, you stand on your heads, with your thumbs up; it’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 131!
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