See Good Horror Live


Damn, it sure is nice to see good old fashioned mini film festivals back in action again. Here’s a taste of what you can find in the lovely ol’ US of A…

Click to see it bigger!Next Friday night, August 11th to be specific, The Movie Tavern in Denton, Texas will continue its new tradition of Friday Night Frights with a special screening of the 1981 Linda Blair classic Hell Night. Seeing as how I’ve not see the movie in many a moon. I’ll be damned if I can remember much about it, but I do remember it was a good time my first go-round.

The screening is presented by those sickos over at Pit of Horror, home to Job director John Gray, who have sweetened the pot by getting Tom DeSimmone, the director of Hell Night, to show up for the film and discuss it with the fans afterwards. Tickets and location info are available at FNF’s MySpace page.

Click to see it bigger!The following Tuesday, August 15th, the Grindhouse Film Festival will present its next double bill of terror, Mausoleum and the original Demons. Mausoleum star Bobbie Bresse will be on hand for that one, and more special guests are likely to show up, announced or otherwise.

The Grindhouse Film Festival takes place once a month at the New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles, California, and from what I’ve heard, it’s always a damn good time for fright fans. More info on Grindhouse is available at their official MySpace page, which is right here.

Now, if only we can get someone to start putting on scheduled screenings like this on the East Coast, I would be a much happier horror nerd.

Johnny Butane

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