New Hostel Pics, Clip


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Hostel Part II pic!Been a while since we’ve thrown out any Hostel Part II updates, mainly because we wanted to wait until you had plenty to check out at once. Yeah, that’s it. It’s not like we’re lazy or anything…

First up, the folks at Film Ick managed to snag a whole bunch of new pics from the sequel, one of which you can see to your right. You can click here to see all of them, but be warned: Some might contain spoilers so if you want to stay pure, just focus on the one here. Which is pretty damn cool if you ask me.

The boys at Bloody Disgusting managed to track down a hidden clip from the film as well, which Sony International did a pretty bad job of hiding online. You can see the clip here if you so choose; just be warned that it’s loud, bloody and very, very short. But then, would you expect any less?

Hostel Part II hits theaters everywhere on June 8th, 2007!

Johnny Butane

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