MTV Beats off the Undead in Death Valley

MTV is in love with dabbling in the horror genre right now what with their upcoming projects Teen Wolf and of course My Super Psycho Sweet 16 Part 2 coming at us really soon. So what’s next? Why cops vs. monsters of course!
According to The Hollywood Reporter the documentary-style “Death Valley”, created by Spider of Powerman 5000, has an ensemble cast that includes Caity Lotz (“Mad Men”) and Tania Raymonde (“Lost”) and follows the Undead Task Force, which battles zombies, vampires and werewolves that have overrun the San Fernando Valley.
“‘Death Valley’ is the perfect combination of horror and comedy, two genres we know our audience responds to,” senior vp production Tony DiBari said. “That blend, combined with a fast pace and gritty ‘follow doc’ visual style, will take viewers on a wild ride where they are never sure what’s around the next corner.”
Though MTV’s audience skews female, executives said research has shown that horror is a good fit for the network, having already dipped a toe into the genre with its movie My Super Psycho Sweet 16 and its forthcoming sequel. Look for more soon!
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