Venting Triloquist


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Triloquist? Sure, why not!Don’t let the artwork fool you into thinking this is The Asylum’s late to the party knock-off of Dead Silence. Even better, it’s the new movie from Mark Jones, the man responsible for giving the world the Leprechaun franchise, then giving us another unlikely horror in the form of Rumpelstiltskin. Anyone besides me remember that one? With a pedigree like that Triloquist has got to be better than Dead Silence. Yeah, I know; a lot of you reading this actually liked Dead Silence and thought it was a good movie. Who’s the dummy now?

As for Triloquist:

“In a seedy motel in Hollywood, a down and out ventriloquist with a creepy looking Dummy kills herself with a drug overdose as her two young children watch. The kids are sent to live with a perverted uncle who ends up dead.

Turning eighteen, the beautiful and twisted sister tells her brother they will head out to Las Vegas so he can be a great ventriloquist like their mother was. The brother has never spoken since the death of his mother, and the creepy Dummy does all his talking … and the Dummy seems to hate the sister.”

I’m going to stop right there. You see, I’m copying & pasting the plot synopsis from the website for American World Pictures (the company distributing the movie), and it actually goes further into spoiling the plot right down to the ending. I want to know who the freakin’ genius at AWP is who got it in his fat head to put up a plot synopsis that gives away the plot of the whole damn movie? Who is the freakin’ genius at this company that posted a plot synopsis on its website that goes so far as to reveal the movie’s big plot twist with a sentence that actually begins with the words, “In a twisted and shocking ending…” Just friggin’ brilliant! Way to go, American World Pictures! I just discovered the existence of this movie on your website and now have no reason to see it since you’ve revealed the whole movie right down to the ending. Idiots!

There’s also a trailer link on the page for Triloquist. Too bad it’s for the wrong trailer. Click on “Watch The Trailer” and you’ll get the trailer for the atrocious 7 Mummies that American World Pictures also has in its repertoire. Full spoilers for a movie that has yet to come out and the wrong trailer – are these people themselves dummies?

The Foywonder

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