Stalk Her In May

We just got an e-mail in today informing us that the Eric Nicholas indie flick Alone with Her (review here) is coming to DVD soon. Watch as Colin Hanks (King Kong) tries to swoon his dream girlfriend, played by Ana Claudia Talancon, by hiding cameras all over her apartment. It is a surefire way to get the girl, trust me; I’ve done it a million times.
Alone with Her may have been a unique stalker film, but this DVD art is totally generic on all levels. The original poster used to promote the film worked fine and didn’t suffer from this ’80s flashback vibe. If I had not reviewed the film months ago, this cover art may have been mistaken for another forgettable slasher. I love how Ana Claudia Talancon looks terrified of the Unrated label. She’s not the only one who fears that overused selling gimmick. Just wait, one day it will even appear on children’s films. Finding Nemo: The Extended, Unrated, Limited, Uncensored Director’s Cut!!!
Bitching aside, this journalist is glad Alone with Her is finally getting released on DVD. Ok, I do have one more issue with the release, and it has to do with these bonus features: alternate ending and never-before-seen bonus footage. That’s it? No commentary?! Sigh. Don’t let it sway you, though. Trust me; this film is worth seeing even if it lacks the kind of special features one would expect from a stand-out indie film. In fact, the DVD is due out May 22nd so pre-order it here!
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