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The Eerie Horror Film FestivalSo the weather’s getting warm again, but honestly, I think as a horror fan I prefer the chill of fall. All the good shit happens then, especially The Eerie Horror Film Festival, which will be running October 10th through the 14th!

In addition to showing the most insane indie horror films around, Eerie also has a host of guests on hand to hang out and meet their fans, and this year’s no different! Meet up with Tom Savini! Ogle and drool over Dee Wallace and Adrienne Barbeau! Buy a drink for Uncle Creepy! What, you thought I wouldn’t be throwing that in there?

The best part? All Access Passes to the 2007 Eerie Horror Film Festival are now available for purchase on their official website!

The passes offer a convenient, one-time payment option for attendees wanting the most “bang for their buck” at the Festival this season and will allow the holder unlimited admission to every screening, the Expo Room, and the Awards Ceremony!

Attendees who purchase an All Access Pass will save over $40.00 in admission fees and will receive an additional $5.00 discount for ordering online! See, you’re even gonna save some dough! Only a limited number of passes are available for purchase at this time and will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.

And while you’re at the site ordering your tix, make sure you stop by their store so you can nab one of their limited edition T-shirts. Rumor has it that the first batch of folks who order will receive a special mystery gift!

Please Note: We here at Dread Central take no responsibility as to the contents of said mystery gift but can assure you that it has absolutely nothing to do with the night Uncle Creepy was spotted on the way to Mexico armed with a handful of bottle rockets, one case of beef jerky, and a crate full of butter flavored Pamâ„¢. Thanks.

Uncle Creepy

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