Jackson Rolls the Bones

Though I’ve not read the novel myself, I have heard people whose opinion I respect state that The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold is a fantastic novel. The only thing I question in regard to its inclusion here on the site is whether its adaptation will be enough “horror” to make fans happy.
No matter, though, because King Kong helmer Peter Jackson is behind it, a fact that by itself would grant it passage among our pages. Bones, for those unaware, tells the story of a 14-year-old girl and her time in heaven, looking down upon her family as they deal with the loss of their daughter and sister, and watching her killer try and deal with what he’s done, while at the same time adjusting to being in a place where almost everything is what she’s always wanted.
Variety is reporting this morning that Jackson is making good on his promise of directing The Lovely Bones by starting the script-shopping process, looking for a studio who wants to get behind making the film. Obviously this is a much smaller film than anything he’s done recently, which is a bit of relief; I don’t know if I could take another CG wankfest like King Kong and still respect the man.
Bones sounds like just the kind of project Jackson needs to ground himself again, so it’ll be interesting to see which studio scoops it up first.
Click here to get The Lovely Bones through Evilshop!
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