Ekimmu: The Dead Lust (2016)
Starring Ethan Hoyt, Chloe Francis, Carissa Becker
Directed by Andy Koontz
Mr. Andy Koontz, first off I’d like to applaud you for your victorious battle against that damned cancer – inner strength is a virtue when combating such a dreaded disease, and you not only kicked its ass but managed to put out a pretty damned entertaining film in the midst of it all – BRAVO.
Ekimmu: The Dead Lust is a film that will dazzle, befuddle, and, most of all, scare its audience to its core with a blend of nightmarish imagery and audio, all totaling up to a fun and frightening experience.
A young couple (Hoyt and Francis) on a road trip make an unscheduled stop in the sleepy town of Briar Creek and come upon a disheveled, blood-caked woman by the side of the road, and the connection between the two women is a bit… how do I say this… ironic, yet infinitely unsettling. Through a series of in-your-face scare shots that are complemented by a creepy bevy of distorted audio clips, the story is told, and it’s almost as if your eyes have been glued shut and you’re forever trapped in nightmare-land. Koontz also utilizes an antique-looking sepia tone that acts as a spooky filter for his vision, and to avoid the risk of spilling any pertinent details of this chiller, I’ll keep my yapper zipped.
Ekimmu does, however, stray at points, which makes the plot a bit tough to navigate, but the direction usually finds its correct path over the runtime. Yet, some viewers might have the tendency to shut this one down before it starts rolling. Stick with it, though, because despite its low-budget appearance, the film is big on scares and promise.
Overall, despite the lack of internal minutiae, I can certainly recommend this little nugget of terror to those looking for a disturbing presentation on a small allocation, and considering that it was constructed by a man who overcame a colossal personal setback, this movie’s got the guts to shine on for some time to come.