Hangin’ Around at the Hostel

We’re gettin’ closer, folks! Time for another trip overseas with Eli Roth and his gang of butchers. Hey, that almost sounds like a band name — Eli and the Butchers! If this gave you any ideas, Mr. Roth, toss some cash this way, will ya?
Anyway, the newest poster for Hostel Part II has surfaced with the lovely Heather Mattarazzo in a most compromising position.
Hear that? That’s the sound of teenagers across the country clicking away and making it their new wallpaper! I shudder to think what else today’s youth do to these kinda pics.
I was young once! *hides Jergens*
AHEM! For more on the flick, check out our Hostel archive here, and be sure to get your asses to theatres on June 8th or else some other flaccid offering is sure to nab the #1 spot at the box office.
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