NOTLD 3D Coming At Ya!


The Russian poster for NOTLD 3D (click for larger image)Just when you thought the crypt had gone quiet, the ever-so controversial Night of the Living Dead 3D (review here) is back banging on our doors.

Midnight Movies Entertainment, the theatrical distributor of Night of the Living Dead 3D, is re-releasing the film in special “Midnight Shows” across the United States this spring and summer ahead of its U.S. DVD release.

Coming off a very successful six week engagement at the Esquire Theater in Cincinnati, NOTLD 3D opens April 6th at the Alamo Drafthouse in San Antonio, Texas, April 13th at the Times Cinema in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and the Studio 35 Cinema in Columbus, Ohio. Many new play dates will be announced in the next few weeks and Midnight Movies will be booking NOTLD 3D into 75-100 theaters. For more info, check the “Release Info” section on the official website, here.

NOTLD 3d will also be getting a release on the big screen in Russia when it opens wide there on April 26th.

I know what you’re wondering — should I care? Is it worth watching if only out of morbid curiosity? Well, that’s up to you. You’ll get your chance to make your choice this Halloween as NOTLD 3D hits DVD in 3-D courtesy of Lionsgate.

Say what you want, this is still better than Russo’s 30th Anniversary Edition which is currently what I use to scoop my cat’s litter box. Take that Reverend Bucktooth, you son of a bitch, and fuck your little dog too!

Uncle Creepy

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