It’s Alive Again

Man, why can’t they leave the Larry Cohen movies alone? Though I admit the original It’s Alive left much to be desired in terms of effects, the film itself was damn fine and indicative of the timeframe in which it was set; far from timeless, It’s Alive is a snapshot of a very specific period in history that just can’t be duplicated.
Now a new picture is being taken and something tells me its being done with a cheap-ass Polaroid.
Timeout London reported recently that Hostel Part II star Bijou Phillips (that’s supposedly her naked body on the racy poster that debuted at New York Comic Con) just started work on the remake of It’s Alive, which is being shot by Thirteenth Floor director Josef Rusnak.
Ugh. Have you seen The Thirteenth Floor? If so the Polaroid comment probably make s a lot of sense; hopefully his directorial skills have improved since then. Rusnak said that he has made some changes to the film, but overall “the script still preys on the genre’s ability to explode the foundation of today’s bourgeoisie” Wow, that just sounds … kinda dull. It’s still about a mutant baby, right?
For those who don’t recall, It’s Alive told of a father’s pursuit to destroy the unnatural brood his wife gave birth to as it cuts a swath of mutilation and destruction across LA. It all ends well, for the most part, and the movie really should be seen by all horror fans at least once. As is the case with all early Larry Cohen movies, actually.
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