Over a Dozen New Stills from Supernatural Ep. 100 Point of No Return

With the milestone 100th episode of Supernatural, “Point of No Return”, airing this Thursday, April 15th, at 9:00 pm ET/PT, The CW is pulling out all the stops to make sure the fans get as much coverage of the event as they can stand, including providing us with 15 new stills from the ep.
Here’s the synopsis:
Dean (Jensen Ackles) begins to think the only way to stop Lucifer is to say yes to Michael, but the angels decide they don’t need him anymore. Dean, Sam (Jared Padalecki), and Castiel (Misha Collins) are horrified at the angels’ new game plan and take on Zachariah (guest star Kurt Fuller) to prevent an all-out war on Earth. Meanwhile, a familiar face returns. Phil Sgriccia directed the episode written by Jeremy Carver.
Once you’ve checked out all the photos, make sure you’re completely caught up with the trailers and first clip, an additional two clips, and the cast and crew celebratory party, during which Ackles says, “Here’s to 100 more!” We can hope.

All Photos: David Gray/The CW ©2010 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
For more visit Supernatural on The CW.
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