A Longer Grindhouse?

If Quentin Tarantino has his way, we’ll be seeing a new Grindhouse (review) every year from now until he’s six feet under. At least that’s the impression that I get from how he’s been talking about it to press, which is fantastic for us horror fans cause this is the shit that makes us live and breathe.
Tarantino’s first step is to cut a longer version of his half of Grindhouse, Death Proof, for the audience at Cannes according to Variety. For those who have seen it and/or read Kasch’s review on the site that might not sound like the best plan since the film seems overlong already, but maybe he can add just the right amount of padding to move it along.
Rodriguez may be looking to make a longer version of his entry, Planet Terror for the French audience as well. I guess we can almost guarentee both versions to be on the eventual feature-packed DVD, though…
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