Dave Parker Returns!

Remember The Dead Hate the Living? It was a very low budget zombie movie from back in the day when such things were still cool, before everyone with a camcorder got theirs made and released by Lionsgate or some such nonsense. Ever wonder what happened to the film’s director, Dave Parker?
Well, aside form working with Mike Mendez on the Masters of Horror documentary from a few years back (no relation to the Showtime series), he’s done work on documentaries for Superman Returns and X2 to name a few. But what he really wants to do again is direct.
So direct he shall! Coming Soon visited the set of Parker’s latest horror outing, The Hills Run Red, which is in front of cameras in and around LA as you read this. The story is about a group trying to find solve the mystery behind a film called, coincidentally, The Hills Run Red and its reclusive director. They look for help from the film’s only surviving cast member to bring them to the film’s remote woodland location and, as you would expect, things don’t go well.
No word on when or how the film will be out, but I dig the premise a lot, and the shots that showed up on Coming Soon (one of which you can see above) look very sleek. Stay tuned for more as we learn it!
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