Eibon Press Makes it Official! The Book of Eibon Coming EXCLUSIVELY to Box of Dread Quarterly!

There are incredibly gory days ahead for you guys thanks to Eibon Press’ Fulci Comics. And if you’re a Box of Dread subscriber (and shame on you if you’re not), things are only gonna get bloodier!
From the Press Release:
Eibon Press is proud to announce the coming of our awesome line of Fulci Comics. This bold new imprint has been 16 years in the making, hell-bent on bringing you the ultimate experience in four-color horror. Starting in June, you’ll be able to order our super-collectible single issue comics based on Fulci’s classic horror film Zombie—utilizing premium printing and special prestige packaging never before seen! But Lucio Fulci’s Zombie is just the beginning. In addition to our licensed titles based on the films of Lucio Fulci, you’ll be seeing OTHER classic films immortalized as super badass comic series and ALL NEW ORIGINAL titles, inspired by the reddest, wettest psychotronic film traditions of the grindhouse era.
And we’re especially proud to announce our innovative new comic preview magazine, which is a co-production with our pals at Dread Central. In THE BOOK OF EIBON, you’ll be getting preview stories from all our upcoming comic books, including Zombie, Gates of Hell (City of the Living Dead), and the hard-hitting original series Bottomfeeder, which is inspired by Humanoids from the Deep and Bad Lieutenant!
Each issue of THE BOOK OF EIBON will be available exclusively in Dread Central’s BOX OF DREAD and will contain not only exclusive art and stories, but articles and behind-the-scenes looks at our upcoming books. The first issue will be included in August’s specially-themed Box of Dread, featuring the mind-blowing Shark vs. Zombie preview story from our second stunning issue of issue of Lucio Fulci’s Zombie, available this Halloween!
Pre-orders for Lucio Fulci’s Zombie #1 begin exclusively at our website on Friday, June 10th, at 12 midnight.
It’s an all-new era of ongoing Fulci Comics, and we’re proud as hell to bring it to you. For more information follow Eibon Press on Twitter and Eibon Press on Instagram. The official Eibon Press website will go LIVE June 6th. Issue 1 pre-orders start on Friday, June 10th, at 12 midnight.

Promotional covers only. Final art may vary.

Promotional covers only. Final art may vary.