Win a Copy of Titan’s Penny Dreadful Issue #1

Earlier this year we gave you notice that Titan has a new “Penny Dreadful”-based comic heading our way, and today we have a chance for you to win a copy of Issue #1!
We have ten copies of the issue with the cover shown below available. To enter for your chance to win, just send an email to [email protected] including your FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS along with “Penny Dreadful #1” in your subject line. We’ll take care of the rest.
This contest will end at 12:01 AM PT on May 17th. Note: By entering this contest, you are consenting to allow Dread Central and its subsidiaries use of your email address. Additionally, Showtime is providing the prizes but is not responsible for selecting a winner.
And that’s not all… we can currently offer our readers a special subscription offer. This special offer will make sure fans never miss an issue and includes 25% off the cover price, free U.S. delivery to their doorstep, and a lock in to the lowest rate. Subscription starts with the next available issue. Click here for more info.
The new ongoing comic series is drawn by Louie De Martinis and penned by “Penny Dreadful” series scriptwriter Krysty Wilson-Cairns.
The hit TV series is presented in comics for the first time! This prequel reveals the terrifying events that led Vanessa to try to find her missing childhood friend, Mina Harker, and exposes the true nature of the vampiric monsters infesting Victorian London.