Day of the Dead Being Remade Again?

Remember Steve Miner’s remake of Day of the Dead? Well, you’re better off forgetting it! Nu Image is hoping to right that film’s MANY wrongs with a brand spanking new remake.
According to Screen Daily, production is set to commence shortly on Day of the Dead with Hector Hernandez Vicens (The Corpse of Anna Fritz) in the director’s chair.
Whether or not this is an actual remake of the Romero movie is not clear; lord knows the following description sounds more like Miner’s movie than Romero’s. Maybe they’re remaking Miner’s?!? My head hurts.
The post-apocalyptic tale follows a former medical student tormented by a dark figure from her past, who happens to be a half-human, half-zombie hell-bent on destroying her. Nu Image holds worldwide rights excluding the Middle East.