Pocahontas’ Revenge



I repeat…


That’s the gimmicky title to a new low budget fright flick in the works. The title is so simplistically gimmicky that the more I think about it the more amazed I am to realize no one else had already done it.

For the historically challenged, Pocahontas was a jailbait Native American girl who rescued and later married much older early-1600’s American settler John Smith from being executed by her Indian chief father. That’s the super condensed version of a tale that has become one-part history, one-part legend. See the Disney animated film for further details. I’m fairly certain that film was historically accurate. We used to have talking raccoons until they were driven to extinction by American settlers.

Speaking of historical accuracy, Pocahontas died an angry woman hellbent on gaining revenge against the descendants of those that raped and pillaged her people and their land. That’s why her ghost keeps coming back every 100 years for a little new world payback. Or so goes the plot to the new supernatural horror flick Pocahauntus.

I have nothing more to add other than to head over to the film’s official MySpace page and read more about the film, its cast and crew, and watch the trailer. Director and co-writer Veronica Craven (no relation to Wes) has stated in a post on the site where she makes no bones about setting out to make Pocahauntus a campy horror movie, as if the film’s title wasn’t enough to clue us all in. She also wants everyone to know that she’s not sleeping with one of the film’s stars. MySpace can be a very strange place sometimes.

The Foywonder

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